Annual Workshop General Structure




The group work is the core of the workshop. All the projects brought into the workshop by the producers will be discussed in detail within the 2 groups. A producer and a post-production supervisor are the group leaders and they will give feedback and input to the films/series.

In addition, smaller teams are created within the group, consisting of a producer and one or two post supervisors (both participants) to work in more detail on budgets, workflows and schedules for the given projects.


The small teams created within the groups will continue their work on the projects during the time for individual training. This is also the time to work on the assignment to be delivered on the last day of the workshop.

In addition to the group leaders, all other trainers will join in on these sessions to give individual advice on their particular field of expertise.


The plenaries are held in a larger room to address both groups at once. They are also open for a small group of pre-registered observers from the hosting country of the workshop.


On the last day of the workshop, each team has to present for 7 minutes and speak about the changes / improvements they have done to the project and what the key takeaways are.


If you want to get an even more detailed idea of  the workshop; please click here to take a look at the information website of our latest annual workshop in Luxembourg.

Call for applications – Bucharest 2019!

Extended Deadline: Mon Oct 14th, 2019

The application deadline is extended to October 14th for our upcoming annual project-based workshop which will take place in Bucharest, Romania between the 28th November and 3rd December 2019.

Read more »Submit your application »